I absilutly do not agree with my families religion and if they knew they would kick me out. How can i explain to them this is just how i feel and they cant change that no matter what they do. But in a nice way.How do i tell my parents i dont agree with their religion?
if you are certain that they will kick you out, I would avoid telling them until you can live on your own.
If you feel you have to tell them, let them know that your differences in religious beliefs do not affect the way you feel towards them.How do i tell my parents i dont agree with their religion?
Being genuinely respectful to any member of the family will help. Gradually and tactfully tell them the reason for your own beliefs.
God’s Word says: “Be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous: ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” (Ephesians 6:1, 2) That involves wholesome respect for parents. However, while obedience to parents is important, it must not be rendered without regard for the true God. When a child gets old enough to begin making decisions, he bears an increased measure of responsibility for his actions. This is true not only with regard to secular law but especially concerning divine law. “Each of us will render an account for himself to God,” the Bible states.—Romans 14:12.
If your beliefs cause you to make changes in your life, try to understand your parents’ point of view. They will likely be pleased if, as a result of your learning and applying Bible teachings, you become more respectful, more obedient, more diligent in what they ask of you.
However, if your new faith also causes you to reject beliefs and customs that they personally cherish, they may feel that you are spurning a heritage that they sought to give you. They may also fear for your welfare if what you are doing is not popular in the community or if it diverts your attention from pursuits that they feel could help you to prosper materially. Pride could also be a barrier. They may feel that you are, in effect, saying that you are right and they are wrong.
Be sensitive to their feelings. Wait for the right time. Be serious but keep the atmosphere relaxed and loving.
Lastly, if you honestly believe that you have something for their own good, you owe it to them to tell them.
(Galatians 6:9-10) So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out. 10 Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to [us] in the faith.
Explain it with respect.
(1 Peter 3:15) But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.
We should always recognize the authority of our parents. If we are going to be mild we might win their hearts =)
(Proverbs 25:15) By patience a commander is induced, and a mild tongue itself can break a bone.
Try to find similarities between your beliefs and theirs that you can share with your family. As long as they understand that you're not abandoning them for the sake of religion and instead trying to include them like they do you, and as long as you keep it on a positive level...it may take some time but you might develope a mutual understanding that all can live with.
I told my parents at age 14 that I didn't agree with their religious views. It didn't go over well so I know what you're going through.
I didn't get kicked out of the house (I think partially because they assumed I was going through a mid-teen crisis). Anyway, I'm older now and my parents have finally come to terms with it. But if I had to do it all over again, I think I might have told them at age 18. Or maybe even 21.
You can tell them any way you feel like. If they are going to kick you out of the house, does it matter how you tell them?
If I were you, I wouldn't tell them. No matter which god you believe in (or even if you don't believe at all), its not wise to argue with people who have complete control over your food, clothing, and shelter.
whatever you do, obey your parents and lower the wing of humiliation from mercy for them, except if they order you to disobey God then don't obey them, and say:
';my lord, have mercy on them like they raised me when I was little';.
i would wait for a family dinner and bring religion up and just start from there.. speak from your heart and let them know how you feel about their beliefs and that you don't agree with it, i know its a very hard thing to do but you need to fight for your beliefs.. hope this was helpful
If you believe you will get kicked out, first find an alternative place to possibly live, with a friend or aunt or uncle or grandparents and then tell them. They may not kick you out but if they do, you're covered.
Forcing you to worship what you don't believe in is child abuse. That's illegal.
You don't. You are in their household.....so you suck it up until you are an adult (living outside of their home)....when you make your own decisions. You can not believe in their religion all you want, you simply shouldn't demand that they see your viewpoint while you are still under their roof.
I told my parents when I was 16 (I'm 23 now) with the help of my therapist and everything is fine, we just don't talk about religion. I knew I couldn't do it on my own. Is there someone they respect that could help you talk to them?
tell them your beliefs if they won't kick you out/i hope your a christian if not you need to get right with Jesus.Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
You've said nothing about what they believe and what you believe. It's not about you...or them, it's about truth.
So if the house you're in is on fire, you don't want do know the truth if you believe it's not?
Some things are private, best left between you and God. When you're 18 you simply tell the truth.
If they try to throw you out they could land in jail, and you in Foster care -- so I sincerely doubt that would happen.
If you have any respect for them, you tell them just like you just told us.
Don't play games.
You are under no obligation to retain their beliefs, but you ARE under an obligation to be honest.
Start by telling them that you're not sure you believe the same way as they do. Then slowly work up to telling them that you are having trouble believing different things in their religion.
';I don't agree with your religion. That is just my personal opinion, and I still love you. I just don't want to be part of your religion.';
Is it really that hard?
If you think they are going to kick you out, you wait until you don't need them.
Disagree but respect them you are living in their home,Honor them.
Parents. Sorry but i have a different set of beliefs as you
Wait until you're out on your own.
tell them God is responsible for the deaths of billions, and its not for you.
Offer to give them time to explain things %26amp; allow them the chance to talk... look for the points you can agree with rather than those you disagree with... %26amp; say things like, I can understand that.
The things that don't hold water... you can say... I don't get it... %26amp; give them a chance to explain it in other ways to see if you get it... if you don't just repeat... I don't get it... after a while you will both be tired... but less than if you had argued about it... %26amp; in the end, they will begin to accept %26amp; understand you just don't get it... %26amp; will eventually begin to recognize how it appears to you... %26amp; will likely have respect for the fact you listened calmly %26amp; unargumentatively...
%26amp; rather than saying Mom Dad, you guys believe gibberish... I would bread it to them by saying, ';there's just some things I don't get about it... %26amp; I don't know that I ever really will... I have serious doubts.';
%26amp; when they ask what you doubt... don't dump the truck load on them all at once... instead let them do most of the talking while you do questions when they prompt... It really the only way to make things less stressful on them... while at the same time giving them some insight as to why %26amp; how you don't agree.
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