Its a great idea. Lots of people who get a dog take the dog to an obedience class...But everyone can get kids without any preparation. Lots of people have no idea what it will be like or how to handle kids. Asa result a lot of kids are either spoiled or neglected and both is very bad for a healthy development of a child. Eventually society is suffering from all these people who had a bad youth and never learned to be good adults. So I think setting up classes for parenting would benefit everyone: the parents (to be) , the children and society eventually.You need a degree for a career, so is it silly to get a degree in ';parenting'; once you've dedicated to that?
I need as much help as possible, I have no idea how to bath a baby or look after one all day, I can run a house as I left home 11 years ago but could have done with lessons then. I do think this is a great idea, I would need lessons like ';how to work the stereo/DVD and any other major electrical appliances';
people expect you to know how to do it but i think having a class would be a great idea. i would for one attend. you can never learn enough on parenting. i think classes such as different ways to manage time (looking after kids, cleaning house, making money and looking after your hubby) ways to save time in cleaning and cooking, different way to help children learn quicker or eat differetn foods. class like those would be great.
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