Thursday, January 21, 2010

How should my friend convince her parents to let her have a facebook?

My friend really wants a facebook, but her parents won't let her. They think she won't be safe or something. They won't even let her use this website, which is why i had to for her.How should my friend convince her parents to let her have a facebook?
Some people, especially parents, can never be convinced that social networking sites are safe, no matter what you show them. However, maybe if you're lucky you can show them how Facebook works, how it protects almost all of your profile information from anyone who you haven't allowed to see it, and how you're only allowed to friend people who you know in real life, and maybe they will be convinced.How should my friend convince her parents to let her have a facebook?
Don't tell them(?) Or say it will be private to everyone but the people she adds. Also tell them that with the recent settings of facebook, you can make it to the point where people can't even add you or see your photos. Make it in front of her parents, even tell them the password (of course change it later) . Does she not even own her own computer? Have you ever heard of lying?
just make it without telling them.

or you could make everything on the facebook private, show her parents how facebook can be adapted so that only a person's accepted friends can view her profile/photos
tell them that its super save and there are no viruses or anything.

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