Saturday, January 23, 2010

How can I persuade my parents to allow me to take my car to college my freshman year?

I'm having a discussion with my parents today to persuade them to let me take it. Help!!!! Provide key points if possible!How can I persuade my parents to allow me to take my car to college my freshman year?
Go for it if you can, but I am telling you right now, you will regret it! No one has cars when they are freshman and everyone you know is going to hit you up to take them places, borrow your car, drive to the airport, etc. It is not fun to be one of the only people on your dorm floor that has a car.

People say they'll give you gas money, but they always cheap out. Some people won't even give you money and will bum rides off of you everywhere you go.

I had a car the second semester of freshman year and I thought it was going to be so great and it sucked. I know that it seems convenient to never have to ask for rides, but everyone will want a ride from you.How can I persuade my parents to allow me to take my car to college my freshman year?
For college? Well, is the car under your name? If it is, as an adult you don't have to listen to what thier opinion is.

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