Thursday, January 21, 2010

How would you suggest handling a parent who is dissatisfied with your choice of occupation?

Thanksgiving dinner is coming up and no I cannot avoid sitting at the table with the family. BTW, I am employed, doing a managerial job that pays about the same as the occupation I didn't want to go into. How would you suggest handling a parent who is dissatisfied with your choice of occupation?
don't bring it up and if it is brought up, tell them you don't want to talk about it. It's really none of their business anyway.How would you suggest handling a parent who is dissatisfied with your choice of occupation?
My husband gets grief from my dad about doing the job he does (which he likes) and my dad wants him to quit and start a business with him. We go through this EVERY year, what I told him was just to tell them that you are doing what makes you happy and you are the one who has to work that job. It shut my parents up.
When they bring it up just tell them that you are happy in your occupation and have no plans to change it. They should be happy for you.

Then change the subject, if necessary.
By becoming Veggie and being dissatisfied with the Menu
Tell them atleast your not a prostitute... or are you? O_o

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