Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do you talk to your parents about them seeing a counselor?

My mother has had a bypass recently and has had depressive episodes frequently, in the past and present.How do you talk to your parents about them seeing a counselor?
Thats a tough.. If your mom has had depression prior to this and its worse now? Maybe talk to your dad? that might help! Explain to him how you feel.. Good luck!How do you talk to your parents about them seeing a counselor?
This is actually quite common after serious surgerys. You should actually suggest she talk to her doctor about the depression, it could be medical. Tough situation, but let her know you are there for her and you have noticed this type of behavior. She might not know that it is noticable. Good Luck!
you could bring it up casually in a conversationtion ';hey did you know that janey's mom went to a conselor after...'; or you could talk to an adult in your family who could say it to your mom.
saymom i am realy worried about you maby you should go to some one who you can talk to about your probles i love you at least do it for me. somethig like that
my mom had the same prob after her surgery for cancer...nd when her neice died...i just came out nd told her she needed she has stop seein her therapist but is still on the zoloft she perscribed nd shes much happier

help before...its too late...
I would come right out and say it.

The simple ways are the best ways.

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