Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How do I tell my parents about my boyfriend?

I am dating a guy who lives 2 hours away and my parents don't know about him. We are planning on getting married in the next year or two and I really need to tell my parents about him but I am not sure how. He is moving here in about 7 months and I am planning on moving in with him but how do I tell them that. I am so lost and confused and I want my parents to like him and give him a chance because he is really good to me.How do I tell my parents about my boyfriend?
just be honest with them cuz even if they dont like the idea of u havving a boyfriend in the future they will appreciate ure being honest with them^.^

plz help me

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>How do I tell my parents about my boyfriend?
well I tell you be honest sit them down and tell them you been with this guy and he treats you like a person and you want them to get to know him before they pass judgment on him and everything i would see how he like before moving in with him in 7 months and see what he like living near you

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