Sunday, January 17, 2010

How can i show my parents im responsible enough to get my text messaging back?

My grades are in the A's but i have one B. I really want my text messaging back cause i miss it. Plus my parents do say i am addicted to the computer. Cause like i spend from the time i get home from school to 8 or 9. My parents make me not go on the computer on the weekends. So i really need to know how i can show my parents im responsible enough.How can i show my parents im responsible enough to get my text messaging back?
get off the computer... help around the house.... maybe offer to pay for it yourself...How can i show my parents im responsible enough to get my text messaging back?
How about just listening to your parents? Good idea. Grow up and realize that 10 years ago, there were no cell phones! No www either. I think I was 22 when I got my first dial up web service, and that was about 10 years ago. Kids need to stop taking these advances in technology for granted. Also, the commercials make it seem like ';everyone'; has these things. Well they don't! I have no cable TV, and refuse to shell out the money for it. These days, kids do not realize how much things cost, in relation to what people make. They think that 100 to 150 a month in cell phone bills is normal, as is paying 100 to 150 a month for TV and internet. Go out and get a job, and see how little you are really going to make, and that by the time your bills are paid, food on table, gas in car, you are broke. YES, you CAN live without these things!

PS....I took my son's wii away, he was on it all the time. He only gets it on weekends now, and doesn't even miss it anymore.

I also told him the computer is a TOOL, not a TOY for his games and messaging and downloads. If it gets messed up, we are screwed, and he can't do his homework and we can't afford aother one.
Be a kiss up.Do it sneakily.Once a week say ';i like your shirt'; another day,clean your room.think of things like a day. After one month,they have to say yes.

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