Sunday, May 9, 2010

How can I tell my parents im atheist when they are very religious?

You know as a kid they took me to church and stuff but now I just dont belive in that stuff.... Ive seen some stuff and lived some stuff, how can I tell them ?How can I tell my parents im atheist when they are very religious?
You don't I learned the hard way. If your an atheist and live with religious parents just keep your mouth shut and keep your thoughts to yourself.

I know it sounds like cowardice but being an atheist I'm sure your atleast a little rational and are able to evaluate the benefits versus the consequences of proclaiming your beliefs . If you want to take a chance of severing your relationship with family then you should consider what you will feel like if they disown you. If a mormon knocks on your door you can tell them your an atheist all you want but you can't get away from your parents like you can the bible thumpers so you'll just have to deal with it sorry .

I've was an atheist back in the 10 grade and was very outspoken about it in a rather small close minded redneck town in Appalachian Pennsylvania country and I lost alot of friends over it and made a few to. I find it's easier to keep it to your self and if someone confronts you it's best not to even let them know. If someone asks ';are you saved by Jesus?'; I just shrug my shoulders and casually say ';uhh yeah sure'; in the most unassertive and least concerned way that way they realize I can care less about there imaginary friend.

It's best that you don't involve your parents.Every Christmas and Easter I go to my parents and I go to church so I don't seem like a party pooper so I go all dressed up and I sit in the Catholic church and look like an ahole because I wont sing and I wont walk up to the celibate closet homosexual priest and eat his bread and and say ';amen'; I enjoy looking at the sculptures and stained glass windows that cost a few million dollars however lol. Religion can make people do crazy things so just keep your mouth shut and if you can't just say you doubt god but not that you actually disbelieve in god. You will probably find a little circle of friends that are atheist and you can confide in them but watch who you talk to about it. Many superstitious believers feel that if you don't believe in god then you are attacking them.How can I tell my parents im atheist when they are very religious?
Start by asking them annoying questions, such as ';if god is good, why are there so many deformed babies born?'; And other questions they can't answer. Then, tell them that you aren't sure you believe the same way they do. Hey, I'm 52 and my southern-baptist parents STILL haven't come to terms with my Atheism! Denial seems to be big with religious people.
If you're still dependent on them, wait until you can live on your own before you tell them.

If you're grown up and on your own, sit them down one day and tell them, as kindly as possible, that because of some things you've seen and some thinking you've been doing, you don't believe in god.
I brought Mom's Bible back after I finished it... I sat down and said, ';It doesn't make sense. There may be a few very good things in this book... but god is not there. I'm going to keep looking.';

My mom cried... but she understood that I was far more deticated to understanding the universe than she was.
Why tell them anything? If you are an Atheist (your chosen religion) then tell them, but if you just don't believe in ';stuff'; just don't say anything at all. Who cares, unless your an active militant Atheist which = anti religion.
It's very easy. It's called communicating with your parents which is something every kid should do. Try it. You might just find out that your parents are a lot smarter than you think they are.
Just tell them your beliefs. If they can't accept them, they're not very good parents.
If there isn't an up side for you, why do you even think its their business?

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