Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do you feel about parents drinking alcohol at dinner with their children present?

Not getting drunk, but having a drink(s) with dinner while eating out. What about at a family gathering (like an afternoon BBQ at a family member's house, or Christmas dinner)? Does it make a difference if it is one parent or both doing the drinking? Just curious as to what people think.How do you feel about parents drinking alcohol at dinner with their children present?
I see no problem with it. My husband and I have a beer or glass of wine 3-4 times a week with dinner. I don't think it matters if it is one parent or both. If you are drinking responsibly, I don't think there are any negative repurcussions that could come out of it :)How do you feel about parents drinking alcohol at dinner with their children present?
I am uncomfortable with having a drink at a restaurant. I don't care if you can still legally drive after 1 beer. - It is in your system and you should not be behind the wheel of a car, especially with your little kid(s.)

If there will be no driving or other potentially dangerous activities before the drink's affects have totally worn off, I see nothing wrong with it. - As long as they don't like get drunk. I see my neighbor sit out on the front porch with a beer and cigarette almost every evening. I have not seen him act drunk or heard him fight after it though, so it has not lowered my opinion of him.

If they are having more than 1 drink or if they are extra sensitive to the alcohol, I think just 1 parent should drink. If it's just like a glass of wine with dinner or something on the back porch while the kids play - I am ok with both parents relaxing with a drink.

Personally though, I know that my daughter is uncomfortable around alcohol and I will not drink it or allow my guests to drink it around her. I do have a bottle of something yummy in the back of my fridge. And she knows not to touch it. But I will not drink it around her.
Neither my husband or myself drink often. When we do its usually something along the lines of wine and its in celebration of Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner. I thinking demonstrating control while drinking alcohol in front of your kids is okay. Just as long as you do not take it too far. I feel it can also impact your kids differently depending on the environment you are drinking in (i.e. restaurant, family gathering, at a party with a bunch of friends). I think regardless of everything, if you intend to drive home, do not drive under the influence of alcohol. Especially with kids in the back seat. Overall, drinking responsibly in front of your children allows the parent to demonstrate things such as control and using a designated driver.
Assuming they're responsible then I don't think there's a problem in a parent having a glass of wine with a meal. As long as they don't drink enough to the point at which their head is affected. I don't drink usually but occasionally if we have a family meal out I will drink one glass of wine with the meal and I'm solely responsible for my 16 month old. I grew up with my parents doing the same and I was never affected in any way - they never made a big deal of it so my attention was never drawn to it, and I always grew up understanding it was an adult's drink (at least until I hit the rebellious teen phase - but that was peer influence not parental). Personally I'd have no more than one glass, but that's because my head begins to get very mildly affected after a second, and that's the point at which I might be tempted to have a third lol. But if a parent genuinely is unaffected by two drinks then it's perhaps okay as long as the child isn't overly aware of the the glass being refilled. It's probably okay with both parents having a drink, at the end of the day I'm a single parent so if I have a drink it's equivalent to both having a drink. But once again as long as neither are affected by it - I don't think it's okay for one parent to have one drink and the other to get pissed for example. And also I don't think it's okay for both to have a drink if one is driving soon - I know the law allows for a little bit of alcohol with driving but it's not something I personally agree with, particularly when there are children in the car.

Why the thumbs down, because I wouldn't drink and drive with a child in the car? Wow...
I think there's nothing wrong with a glass of wine/a beer every night at dinner.

I am a parent myself- and I don't drink each night at dinner - just because a lot of times it relaxes me enough and I still have a lot of things I need to do after dinner. But my son doesn't know the difference now anyway (he's 13 months old).

I grew with all four of my parents (I have step-parents) having wine/beer at dinner each night.

I think it actually sets a great example that alcohol shouldn't be secret or taboo- and as long as it's used responsibly, it's not a big deal.

No one in either of my families have drinking problems/etc...but they enjoy alcohol.

I don't think it matters what day of the week it is- Monday, Christmas, Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, my dad and the dad across the street took the kids trick or treating this last Halloween (kids are 10 years old) and my stepmom poured the dads a glass of wine to take with while walking with the boys in the neighborhood where everyone knows everyone.

You inform your kids and are open with them- you're going to have kids who are open with you and informed, which leads to a healthy parent/child relationship!!
The best way to teach about alcohol is not to not drink it but to teach how to drink safely.

Drinking is not bad. Abusing alcohol, getting drunk EVERY time you drink and drinking just in order to have fun is bad.

Same goes with sex. The less you talk about it, the more likely that your kids will be ignorant about protection, saying no, serious diseases and the important things. You obviously teach abstinance but thinking your kids are not talking about it at school and getting information from the internet or their friends is just fiction
There is nothing wrong with that at all. I think that parents that worry about that overreact. I also believe that it is good to set an example that drinking is for adults (because as you can see mommy and daddy are not drunk). You don't want your kids to get older one day and think bad a another person because they had a glass of wine. My parents have always drank at dinner and stuff like that. And now that I'm an adult I don't drink, so it's not a bad thing for kids to see.
As long as you are instilling values of responsibility and moderation in your children, drinking a few drinks at dinner is no problem. If you shelter your children to believe it is bad to drink anything EVER you are just setting them up for a lot of hardship down the road or possibly keeping things from you about parties and what not. If you are a responsible adult and are drinking for taste rather than to get drunk, why should you deprive yourself of that? The only thing I would not approve of is both parents drinking while in public. You should teach your kids that if you have even just one drink, you must have a sober driver. Always.
I don’t see it as a problem whatsoever. If you teach your children properly about alcohol, just as you would with drugs, smoking, etc, than it won’t be an issue.

My parents drank around me when I was a kid. You learn that it’s an “adult drink” and kids aren’t supposed to have it. I remember taking a sip of Dad’s beer and just being disgusted by it. And I never asked about an adult drink again.

I am 26 yrs old and I don’t drink often. But if I want a glass of wine with my dinner, I’m going to have one. My son is 2 yrs old and even as he gets older, I’m going to teach him as my parents taught me. I won’t exactly he letting him taste beer, but you get my point.

Just this weekend we attended a bday party. And my husband and I both had a drink during the party. I never saw it as an issue because ONE of us was being responsible about it. He kept drinking, I didn’t. Which was fine. As long as someone is being smart about it, then again, I don’t see it as an issue.
I would say that there is nothing wrong. After all, there are lots of public activities that are appropriate for adults, yet inappropriate for children.

Just to give an obvious example... Driving a Car. Adults do that, children do not. There are right ways adults can do this, and there are wrong ways adults can do this. So not much different than drinking as I see it.
I think that having one (no more than 2) glasses of wine or beers is fine. The children see that you can drink without getting drunk. I think that if alcohol isn't a taboo thing than it lets the kids be more open about discussing it with you which you'd rather have them do than discuss it with their peers first.
I've never thought twice about it -- my husband and I (and other family, if they're around) have a glass of wine or two at dinner sometimes.

I have no idea why some people get so funny about this. The kids don't know what you're drinking -- you're just drinking from some pretty glasses for all they know/care.

I don't believe having kids has to turn us all into nuns.
By your description, no. If someone drinks at every dinner, every night...that would be a bad thing. But there is nothing wrong and infact it is good to show the children how to drink responsibly. I really don't drink..if I do, it might be one or two drinks, once or twice a year. My husband will sometimes have a drink when we eat out and on Christmas/New Years that sort of thing...he's not a regular drinker either. We talk to our children too and I believe we have a set a very good example for them about responsible drinking.
I think it's fine. I usually have a glass of wine with dinner. I am in no way drunk or even tipsy and can still take care of my son perfectly fine. If we go out I will have a drink and my husband (who rarely drinks) will drive us home. As long as the parent is not drunk and can still take care of their child I don't see anything wrong with having a drink.
I'm older now but my parents always had alcohol in the house ( never saw them take more than an ocass. drink) . But it took away the taboo of alcohol for us kids. We could ask questions , even have a little sip ( at an appropriate age) So where was the fun in sneaking after we became teenagers. Not sure this would work in all cases but it did in our house and there were 5 of us kids.
I don't think it's a big deal to have a glass of wine or a cocktail with dinner.

If we're home, we can both have one...having a cocktail is different that getting drunk. I don't think it's ok to get shnockered in front of your kids period. But a drink, is ok.

But when we're out, we have a strict designated driver policy and only one of us will drink if we're out...especially if we're driving kids around. We take turns, but it's always just one of us.

Drinking and driving isn't something I'd ever allow, especially with the kids in the car, even if it was ';just one';'s not worth the risk.

Not only that, but I think it's an excellent example to set for the kids. One person always stays sober to drive....

I never had that growing and dad would have their drinks and never thought anything of it....And I think that definately made an impression on me in my teen years and when me and my friends were out drinking.

We got very very lucky for a very long time, being totally irresponsible with alcohol....

I think we teach our kids by practicing what we preach. We can't go to dinner and polish off two bottles of wine and then drive the family home...and then tell them ';Don't drink and drive son, it's not safe and it's against the law'; doesn't work unless we lead by example.

So I think it's ok to have a drink, and be realistic with them, but also teach them responsibility and safety by practicing responsibility and safety.
we drink a glass of wine with dinner occasionally, but never more than one glass. it has provided plenty of opportunities for good conversations with our kids about alcohol, its dangers, and how to drink responsibly. it has also let us model having a designated driver.
Well it is okay if they only do it once and a while, and if they don't start to make a full of them selves or other family members. It kind of those make a different if they are acting bad or saying something they shouldn't otherwise it's okay.
Completely acceptable. Children should be aware of what alcohol is and understand that it is for adults only. I do not shelter my children and I enjoy my beer or wine with dinner. This is also a great opportunity to model responsible drinking habits.
I think it is ok if they are just having a drink or two. I think it's completely inappropriate to get drunk around your children though. My husband and I occasionally have a glass of wine at dinner, of for a holiday.
As long as they don't intend on driving home I wouldn't be concerned. I'm always sober at things like that anyways, so I would have no problem taking car keys drunk or not, if they attempted driving home !! Kids present or not !! My husband has a few drinks at BBQs, Christmas, parties etc ... He never gets drunk though which benefits me a lot lol
I don't see a huge problem with it, as long as they are not getting drunk!

My father-in-law drinks here and there %26amp; it has been in front of my kids before.
It's fine. It sets up a good example in front of the kids of how to behave responsibly with alchohol, and shows that you don't have to get drunk when you drink it.
I don't see a single problem with it. I have some wine or my husband will have a beer or something in the evening during dinner or just relaxing on the couch. My daughter could really care less.
I think it is fine to have a few drinks with dinner or at a family gathering. It shows your children that drinking can be done responsibly.
i think sitting at home having a dinner and drinkin is so theres kids and its bad....and in public i dont think so ii think its okayy because their out to eat and if they have alcohol then its just
i think its fine if they want to drink let them its not really your consurn they could do whats wrong if their taking shots well that's a different. long story short theirs nothing wrong with having to or three beers
As long as they aren't getting trashed I don't have a problem with it. I think at a restaurant it's better if only one parent drinks so the other can drive home.
Big freaking deal. My parents did it all the time and it didn't turn me into an alcoholic, in fact I don't even like the taste of alcohol
I think when children are younger I would avoid drinking as much as possible but I don't really see anything wrong with having a drink at dinner or on any occasions like the ones you've listed. I think one parent should be very limited to the amount drank- preferably one drink and the other possible allowed to have more than one but not to be able to get buzzed up because that is not appropriate for parents to be that way around children.
Alcohol at dinner or any other time is fun for the whole family.

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