Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do I tell my parents I want to transfer to another college?

I'm going to the college I've always wanted to go to and now I'm not happy. Me being homesick may have something to do with it but I still wish I would have gone to a college closer to my home to major I what I really want to do. My parents have done everything they possibly can to make sure that I have what I need and I really don't know how to tell them this. What should I say and do you think that this will hurt their feelings? How do I tell my parents I want to transfer to another college?
they may be upset at first, but just tell them. if u don't it will bother you for the rest of your life.

all your parents want is for u to be happy, soo they should understand!

to start the topic just ease into it %26amp; then discuss what YOU want to do.How do I tell my parents I want to transfer to another college?
tell them your homesick and you want to be closer to them and that you thought this is what you wanted but now you realize it's not, i'm sure they'll understand

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