Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do i convince my parents to let me have an aquarium?

I have the space money and everything but they say i cant have a filtered tank. I already have an unfiltered tank. They say I dont take care of my pets but what they dont realize is how much maintenance I really do.How do i convince my parents to let me have an aquarium?
I know what you mean. I asked my parents for a bigger tank but they won't let me. You should prove to your parents in other ways that you are a responsible child. You should reseach and convince them that you are willing to learn a bit more about fish and enjoy them. Also, you have to keep in mind that if you get an aquarium, it's not a video game where if you loose, you get to start over. You can't start ove, you keep going and you never give up.

I would try and earn more money so you can have a big tank. You should reseach on what you need. You shoud also aske them what is bothering them with a filtered tank. If you already have an un filtered tank, try and put a filter in it. Be responsible.How do i convince my parents to let me have an aquarium?
keep nagging at them, they will soon give in, every day bring it up till they wear down! thats what me and my sister did for about a year and now we have a very much loved dog called pickle!
All tanks need to be filtered.If you have the money,start by putting a filter in it.Then move on from there,to try and get another tank.
ask for a filter. then the tank will be mega clean, and theyll think youre doing more work.
If you aren't taking care of what you have now...even though in your mind you do...they will never let you. And if you already DO a lot of maintenance and it is still not up to standards, then why would you even want an aquarium. Those poor fish.
Tell them you are going to start a fish market afterward...and that it'll make them a lot of money
Yeah many parents OUT THERE dont like FISHES. Now let them see what you do to your fishes so that your parents will be convinced.
Show that you can take better care of your fish by doing the normal tank changes/cleaning every week/month (depending on tank size), scrub the algae really good off the glass if any, and much much more. After a while of this good maintaining, your parents might decide when the best time is.
Aquariums require even more maintanance than cats and dogs, unless of course they are puppies or kittens. What I would personally do is make a list of all of the things that I did with taking care of my pets and then show it to them after a week or a month. Then they would know how much maintanence you did. You may want to step it up a notch too. Also, research is vital. Figure out everthing you need to know and more and plan out your aquarium. You will get one eventually if you truely want it enough. Also find out how much electricity it will use if they are concerned about it running up their electrical bill. Good luck with the guppies and the whole fish situation. And one more thing, research from books and the internet, don't rely on friends to do the entire thing for you. Btw, my molly just had a batch of fry, you can have some if you want!

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