Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How can I convince my parents to let me get my lip pierced?

Please don't tell me it will look ugly and it wont be good for your teeth and gums. I don't care about that. I've heard it enough. All I want to know is how to convince my parents to let me get one. They are quite strict and they say I have to wait till I'm eighteen.

Thankss.How can I convince my parents to let me get my lip pierced?
I can relate to you.

My parents didn't want me to get any piercings either. They where really strict but I did it anyways. I was 14 when I wanter to get 1 but couldn't. I did it anyways i pierced it myself and it was hilarious. My father got really pissed off and started saying things like when youre sleeping im gonna cut that thing off. But he got over it eventually. im 19 now with my snake bites, Labret, eyebrow, and nose, and ears gauged and pierced. With a tattoo And he has learned to accept me for me.

Listen to your parents tho. Maybe you regret it later I haven't. But its different for everyone.

Please Don't get it done just to go with the flow. Back when I got all of mines people thought I was a freak but I didn't care I liked being me. Anyways talk to your parents in a mature way or make a deal with them tell them you'll do extra chores for a couple of months if they let you. If not then just wait until you're able to do it. If not just do it. Do what you want to do.How can I convince my parents to let me get my lip pierced?
lmao first off, I'd just like to point out it's pretty funny that you're not interested in the health/aesthetic aspects of punching a hole in your mouth. They're doing you a favor. I used to want one when I was fifteen years. I was just so desperate to get my parents to allow me, but they were strict like yours and told me no. Now, I'm very grateful they didn't allow me to. I'm 21 now, and am so glad I didn't let anyone scar my face with a piercing just because of a fad. Yes, yes, you can reason about it and say you can always take it out, but it leaves a hideous scar. I've seen 'em! nasty. Anyway, don't do something just because of a trend or fad,
I'm guessing you're no younger than 15, just wait the three years and you'll be a lot happier because then they won't be able to get mad at you if you get the piercing and most likely you'll have saved up for the piercing yourself which makes it even better. (:
gurrl just get it done.%26amp;%26amp; wear a clear spacer when you're around them. or get on their good side %26amp;%26amp; convince them you're old enough %26amp;%26amp; that the world won't end if you get a lil lip piercing. good luckk. :D
they ARE ugly. but if u wanna do it. tell ur mom that u won't go to school if she doen't let u do it and that will probably work and don't go to school till she agrees.
I've been in your position. My parents/family are hard-core catholics. Just read up on it and do it yourself.

My life motto is: It's better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Good luck!
Tell them it means alot to you right now and you will soon grow out of it and want to take it out.

hope it works out, peace
thanks kidda a hard one, my parents are really strict so when i wanted to get purple highlights i just did it then didn't go home for a few days........... good luck!
one my friends got her lip pierced without her parents knowing and she just takes it out when shes around them.shes had it for almost a year and they still dont know!
Tell them if they don't let you that you will rip your eyes out and hand it to them.
Talk to them maturely. Show them that you're mature and maybe they'll consider it.
Yeah. Good luck with that.
well it would look retarded. sorry, stick with ears
tell them everyone else has it, that's how it always works for me
just do it without their permission

they'll get over it

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